Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday Ponderings

I took an Honest To Gosh Vacation Day today.  Much to the shock/surprise of my coworkers.

I don't take time off as a rule...exactly.  Usually my vacation time is spent either as Snow Days (those days when any sane person stays home and off the roads) or Sick Days (when common sense dictates I don't spread the germs that someone else was kind enough to give to me.).

Since I have a friend who isn't afraid to drive in bad weather, I haven't spent a lot of time at home during bad weather this year.  I also haven't had a bad run of the nasties this year, either.  As a result, I have vacation time to spend any way I would like.  Mostly.

Today I entertained the cat, who was Very Happy Mom was Home!  And we had a visit from the local Heating & A/C folks who checked our system and got it ready for Summer.

Now, when you consider that I really didn't plan for a lot of things to do, and I managed to accomplish a few odd jobs anyway, it wasn't a bad day.  One thing I discovered after the A/C guy had gone was that a lot of folks were getting ready for (a) the weekend and/or (b) the holiday.  Not a good day to be out and about if you really wanted to just ... stroll and take it slowly.

A quick trip to the Neighborhood Market to fill the freezer and I was home.  Spent the rest of the afternoon catching up with Matt & Shari.  PBS is rerunning their new "Around the House" series.  I'm so glad to have them back on TV! 

This first episode of Season One taught how to make some pretty nifty window coverings without the use of a sewing machine.  In light of some recent decorating inclination, I'm glad to say I have some new ideas.  I've added a link to their website under my Favorite Places.  Spend some time browsing - you'll find some great ideas for your next project.

Saturday may be a laze around the house day, or perhaps I'll live dangerously and venture out again.  I do have things on my shopping list, after all.

Here's hoping you have a Great Weekend, too!

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