Monday, November 14, 2011

Getting Ready for Holidays (Slowly)

Oddly enough, I've not quite come to terms with the fact that Thanksgiving is ... next week.

When you consider how much I view calendars each and every day, not to mention all the work processes that require recognition of the actual date... this reluctance to admit that The Holidays are almost upon us is almost silly.

I spent several hours Sunday afternoon cutting fabric for a gift quilt that I am hoping will at least be pieced and ready for quilting by New Year's.  I'd like to say earlier, but don't want to jinx it.  This is my 2nd pass for this gift and I'm a little skittish.

When I was shopping on Saturday, I realized that I will most likely not be visiting some of my regular haunts for the next few weeks as I fully expect them to be over run with shoppers.

Not my favorite thing at all.

This became almost amusing when I discovered the need for a new blade for my rotary cutter on Sunday afternoon.

Now it's not like I don't have a decent handle on my gift giving plans.  Not like I don't have the majority of the things I'll need for my baking and such.  Not like I'm That Far Behind.

Who's kidding who, here?

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