Sunday, December 4, 2011

Quilting, Holidays, Books

A little bit of everything it seems.

I finally figured out what was "wrong" with the design of the quilt I'm working on and - thankfully - have the means to fix the problem.  There's a reason we have stashes, obviously.  <VBG>  One thing I'm going to have to move to the top of my To Do List is to fix my design wall - The table just isn't big enough to lay out the pieces.

I've finally turned on the radio this morning - much to the cat's relief.  The station I'm listening to has been playing holiday music since the day after Thanksgiving.  I admit that this year it has been a pleasure, rather than a pain.

Catching up with the mail, etc., I read a great review of "The Scottish Prisoner" on Outlandish Observations.  I'm in the midst of reading the book myself and admit that I'm making it last as long as possible.  I truly love both Lord John and Jamie Fraser, and having the 2 of them together in this book is a treasure and a pleasure.

Drug out the fruit cake paraphernalia and discovered that the fruit needs to soak in the rum overnight.  Rats!  Guess I'll have to set it up to bake tomorrow when I get home from work. I'm really looking forward to baking this treasure.  It is truly a great fruitcake.

Vacation - such as it is/was - has been wonderful.  I've slept a lot.  Listened to a lot of OTR.  Played with the cat and managed to do a lot of nothing.  I did get the recycling over to the center and I managed to take my coin stash to the bank and deposit it into my account.  Almost $100 in less than a year by simply emptying the coins from my bill fold every Friday after work.

I'm looking at the PBS schedule and planning my viewing for the month.  Looks like a lot of great shows and the opportunity to sign up as a member (or re-sign if you're already a member).  The Most Important Christmas Present I'll buy this year.

May snow a bit tomorrow.  May not.  I know it will be a short week, since once again I have Friday off.

Here's to a Wonderful Week.

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