Thursday, December 1, 2011

December First

aka:  Vacation Day Eve
AkA: Insanity Reigns as we Gather Decorating Stuff and have a Team Field Trip

Re the first line; I'm taking a well deserved vacation day tomorrow.  I have intentions on delivering a truck full of recyclables -- and the center is open only between 6:30 and 8:30 am.  Since this is Company sponsored, I'm taking advantage of the service and looking forward to getting (what seems like) a ton of junk out of my house and truck.  And not going to work afterwards!

Re the second line:  Our team has made plans on how we are decorating our pods/section at work and we needed to gather some materials.  Each of us brought what we had and could possibly use in the creation of our masterpiece, but it was clear we needed a trip to Hobby Lobby to complete the items necessary.

Now, you need to understand that the 4 of us are pretty outrageous and rowdy when we're on our own.  Set us loose in a store and look out!  Garland, card stock, tree ornaments, tree (little one), construction paper, and a few other items I can't recall off hand all made it back to the vehicle...and, yes, we really did try to use someone else's vehicle...I tried to tell the QB that the Ford she was aiming the key controller at wasn't the one we came in.

A stop at Zaxby's and McDonald's on the way back to the office collected lunch and Mint Chocolates.

It is any wonder we were all a bit fried once we carted all the goodies to our corner of the building?

Charlaine Harris Blog - Christmas Preparations has some sensible ideas for preparing for the Holidays.  Including the Wink and Nod.

Here's hoping the rest of the week / end is a great one for you!

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